📍Why Rafflet

Outside the box, more transparent and reliable

In the crypto market, there have been various raffles, giveaway, and event platforms. Even today, the usage of these platforms is increasing. However, many problems are still being used in traditional platforms.

Problems ❗

  • Total raffle participation in a project is an important measure of project hype! However, multiple bot accounts are used to win a single account, which can result in incorrect aggregation. This can eventually cause problems for the project owners and participants.

  • Raffle and event are important marketing parts of the project. However, the use of multiple bot accounts can be a big loss for project owners to sell and marketing projects.

  • Participating in traditional platforms sometimes requires rigorous and complex missions. However, this can make users feel very tired and can have negative consequences.

A different Rafflet than before 🛠️

  • A certain amount of gas fee is consumed to participate in the raffle. This will prevent multiple bot accounts. From the perspective of project owners, you can eventually meet real project investors through our rafflet.

  • We will introduce user-friendly ui without adhering to the existing complicated raffle participation method. Users will only be able to get the project information they need before participating in the raffle, and project owners will be able to deliver only the project information they need.

Last updated